3 Reasons Why Leaf Spring Is a better choice than Coil Spring



While riding on the gravelly road with frequent inclinations, your vehicle can have intense impacts on the wheels and axles. The shock from undulated terrain can especially hit the rear axles. Thus, your vehicle will need the support of a robust suspension system that can withstand the stress and make the ride comfortable as well. Having a suspension system in this case helps a lot. Leaf spring or coil springs are two of the most preferred suspension systems.

These suspensions absorb the shocks effectively and also assist in the seamless functioning of breaks.

In this informative, we will be discussing reasons why Leaf Spring Suspension is better than Coil Spring

1.Cost & Performance

•Leaf spring is an economical suspension that has simplified functionality. It has a suspended axle held by spring and does not have any complicated setup. Leaf spring is said to be sturdier than coil spring and handle more load with less deflection. Leaf springs are easier to be raised or lowered as per the vehicular needs.

•Coil spring has two main drawbacks and those are the cost as well as load-bearing capabilities. Unless the vehicle has pre-installed coil springs – its custom-fitting can be pretty expensive. Also, many vehicle owners are refraining from coils springs as it performs poorly with heavy applications.

2.Road Type

•Leaf springs make traveling on the gravely roads smooth as possible. The side-to-side and up-down movements are easily tackles by the system hence making the journey more comfortable.

•Coil spring, on the other hand, makes traveling on the undulated terrain significantly challenging for heavy-weighing vehicles. Frantic motion in any direction can easily cause damage to its structure and as a result, the vehicle somewhat can become unsafe to ride on or drive.

3.Load Type

•Leaf springs are often used to increase the load capacity of the vehicles. Since these springs provide amazing strength to the vehicle’s axles, they can easily take up more vertical loads. Their tightly arranged metal plating makes it possible for them to spread the weight across the metal structure and absorb the brake shocks at the same time.

•Coil springs have a fixed dimension and hence the load is more fixed than distributed. Coil springs also tend to experience cracking and breakage if the load becomes more or even they get corroded.

Leaf spring is a clear winner in this case but coil springs too have great functionality but it is ideal to use them under favorable circumstances.

Get your choice of leaf spring suspension systems from Sonico – a trusted manufacturer and exporter of all kinds of leaf springs.